My Ancestors - October 20, 2014

Tyler - October 15, 2014
 Tyler Shower May 3, 2014

Rosendale Railroad Trestle and Trail - July 29, 2013

Widow Jane Mine - Rosendale August 2, 2013

Ellmauer 50th Anniversary Party - August 4, 2013

Grandfather - Herbert Van Aken Family - 1924

Herbert and Eve Van Aken - my Grandparents, my Father Harold (eyes closed) and his siblings

Great-Grandfather - Frank Van Aken Family - 1902

My Great Grandfather Frank Van Aken, Cora Parks Van Aken, Pearl and Herbert (my Grandfather)

Great-Great-Grandfather - Averill Van Aken Family - 1900

My Great-Great-Grandparents Averill Van Aken & Sarah Sturgis and his family
Frank Van Aken & Cora Parks, Byron Van Aken, Elliot Van Aken, Herbert Van Aken

Averill Van Aken  & Sarah Sturgis  -  my ggGrandparents - circa 1880 tintype

Great Great Grandparents Cornelius Parks and Hester Overton Parks
Great Grandmother Cora Parks Van Aken
Grandfather Herbert Van Aken and sister Pearl
1896 in Parkston Homestead which later became the "Zivian Place"

My Great-Great Grandparents Cornelius Parks and Hester Ann Overton - Cora Parks Van Aken and Herbert and Pearl her children. Picture taken about 1896 in Parkston. His Grandfather was William Parks who was one of the first settlers in Sullivan County.

Harold Van Aken

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