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LM - new pictures

Adler storage building - now owned by R. Simpson
When was picture taken? Does anyone have history on the building?



Postcard of LM with Roundtop in the back. Estimate of date taken?

1893 Livingston Manor

1902 Livingston Manor

The latest postcard posted by Harold showing an overview of Livingston Manor would be, by my calculations, 1902. One of the interesting areas to look at, especially when compared with the 1893 photograph, is over by the Presbyterian Church. In the 1893 image, the church, with its tall steeple, would be located towards the upper right hand corner. To its left, perhaps two hundred feet or so down Rock Avenue, would be the original school house. Compare this with the 1902 photo and you'll notice that things are just a little bit different. In the 1902 image, the church, again with its needle like steeple, would be located just about the center of the photograph. Now, you'll see that to the left of the church there is a building, perhaps no more than about fifty feet away. This is actually the same building, the schoolhouse, that nine years earlier was further away from the church. 

When the school district became a Union Free district, the community decided to build its new school on the same location as the old one. In the late summer of 1901, this building was moved off of its foundation and moved onto the side lawn, allowing the new structure to utilize the existing foundation. Work was commenced on the new school which was ready for use by the 1902 school year. Since both the schools now appear on the same lot in the '02 photo, perhaps this was the time of the photograph. With the old school being moved next to the Presbyterian Church, it was only in the beginning of its journey. The main part of the building would eventually find its way down Pearl Street and set up in the lot behind Fitzgerald & Johnston's store, today the vacant area behind the Sunoco County Store.  - Fred

The Woolsey house has been built too - Harold