Livingston Manor Panarama view from the Hoag Farm

link to Hoag map

I'm calculating that the Hoag photo was taken in 1929, The Woolsey covered bridge is missing, which was carried downstream in March of 1925. The Woolsey barn still exists, which burned in November of 1929. The Chartoff Main Street Department store may not be in the Brooks building.


Jack Chartoff moved into the Brooks building in 1927. He relocated to the building on the corner of Main and River streets in the spring of 1929. Look at the 1928 flood photo and you can see the Chartoff sign on the Brooks building. Though it was taken from a distance, the sign does not seem to appear on the Brooks building in the Hoag photo. 


The trouble with not being conclusive about the 1929 date is Hoag's image around the Union School. The school annex was built in 1928. The image on the Hoag photo is blurry in this area. The coloration of the brick building may be blending into the background. Next time we see Dave's photo maybe this will clear this up whether the annex is there or not.

 link to SCHS map