Joel Kimball Diary - June 1874
Monday, June 1, 1874 "Ploughed up piece of green-sward on flat for buckwheat before noon. After noon went on the hill and peeled some bark. "Cool and pleasant. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball It is unknown whether the residents of Purvis celebrated Decoration
Day in any fashion in 1874, but with the numerous war veterans who resided
at that place, including many of Joel's neighbors such as John Decker, Tom
Collins, Lafayette Sprague and Hiram Rose, it is not hard to imagine that at
least some veterans gathered to reminisce over their earlier days of
adventure, courage and valor, along with the tedious army life. |
Tuesday, June 2, 1874 "Went on the hill and peeled bark until noon. "Wilmot and Judson Appley came and we went fishing in the river, caught quite a mess, part trout and some suckers. "Weather cool and pleasant. "Abe went with H.E. Rose and repaired fence. "Abe one day. "Wilmot and I went to flats with Decker's horse and got valise and hickory butt." Joel Kimball Cochran & Appley's tannery had not reopened this spring, as hoped, but
still with the intentions to resume operations, the company began to
stockpile cords of hemlock bark. Leather was an important commodity not only
for its use in footwear, but also its use in other articles of clothing,
horse and wagon equipment and coverings for furniture. The tannic acid
distilled from the hemlock bark was an essential ingredient in making
leather, for it helped preserve the leather, adding strength, making it
pliable and improving its ability to resist water. - fred |
Wednesday, June 3, 1874 "Wilmot, Jackson and I went over to the Beaverkill fishing, went up Berry Brook, fished nearly all day. Called at Julia's and ate dinner and came home. Caught 93 fish. Julia and Dave came over. "Abe harrowed ground and drew some slabs. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball Buckwheat was an important for these early farmers. The crop thrived
best with cool, moist conditions, did well with poorly drained soils and
matured quickly. It was the ideal crop for the short growing season during
the few short summer months in the Catskills. |
Thursday, June 4, 1874 "Split hickory into halves. Set out some cabbage plants and repaired Decker's fly rod. The boys went to Oliver Maffets, Judson came back at tea time. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball Oliver James Maffet was the son of John Maffet, who married Sarah [or
Sally, depending on who you wish to believe] Kimball, the daughter of Oliver
Kimball, Joel's grandfather. |
Friday, June 5, 1874 "Went on the hill and repaired log fence, cut some pea brush and trees, drew brush down hill. Boys went to Flats. Abe and I fixed brush fence in afternoon. "Weather very warm. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball It should be noted that Oliver James Maffet, though a member of the
Maffet family, was not a member of the notorious Maffet gang. The dastardly
deeds attributed to these bullies and thieves, led by George Maffet,
Oliver's uncle, and his boys, terrorized Purvis and the surrounding area
with their lawlessness throughout the rest of the decade |
Saturday, June 6, 1874 "Peeled bark one half day on the hill. I hoed some in the garden, planted some green corn. Abe went away. "Heavy thunder came making a freshet in the river. Mail train locomotive came off track in Swede cut, I went up, saw the men get her back and rode to depot on gravel train. Came home and found Irwin here. "Abe, one half day." Joel Kimball The spring had been relatively cool and dry, but that came to an end
with a booming cloudburst. Heavy downpours quickly filled the river beds,
with runoff wreaking havoc in sections of Sullivan, Delaware, Orange and
Ulster counties. Railroad companies throughout the eastern portion of the
state were particularly affected by the deluge as tracks were either washed
away or damaged, delaying or stopping train service. In Delaware County,
rivers and streams flooded, washing away fields of crops and fencing, along
with houses with at least one drowning reported. What crops that weren't
destroyed by floodwaters were either knocked down by the torrent of rain or
blown over by the accompanying gale. Numerous lightning strikes were
reported, killing at least three farmers in Orange County as they worked in
their fields. The storm ended with snow falling in portions of Sullivan
County. |
Sunday, June 7, 1874 "Irwin and I went to John M Sheeley's, Ida was not home. Called at Sunday School and came home. "Hitched up and went up to Capt. Albert Davis', saw Aunt Julia and Liz Davis. Aunt and Irwin started for home. I came home about six o'clock." Joel Kimball Joel Hitched up his steers to the wagon and headed to Morsston,
visiting the family of Albert Davis who lived near this old tannery
community. The Davis family, Jacobus and his sons, of which Albert was one,
were early settlers in this section, coming from the Roundout valley in
Ulster County and acquiring the then wild and virgin forest property that
would become the Davis homestead between Purvis and Parksville. |
Monday, June 8, 1874 "Abe and I worked all day on road, commenced near blacksmith shop and worked down near the watering trough. "Pleasant day. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball Saturday's cloudburst, though not as severe as it was in other
sections of the area, still created damage along the road in the town's
highway district Number Fifteen, the section of road between Purvis Post
Office and Westfield Flats. For the next two days, Joel and Abe worked on
fixing the mile section of road that followed alongside the river. Joel
would be credited for three and one half days of highway work with the
district's roadmaster, while Abe only received his meager wage from his
employer, which was six dollars a month, or by my calculation, barely 25
cents a day. - fred |
Tuesday, June 9, 1874 "Abe worked on road until noon and I worked all day finishing my time, three and one half days. Abe hoed potatoes some in the afternoon. "Heavy shower came in the afternoon, largest hail stones fell I ever saw, measured one, seven and one half inches in circumference; another, three and one half inches long. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball Another in a series of serious thunder and lightning storms struck the
region. Though Joel may have exaggerated a little concerning the size of the
hail stones, it was not by that much. In the Hancock area, the hail from
this storm was reported to be "the size of black walnuts" and completely
covered the ground as if it were snow. |
Wednesday, June 10, 1874 <actual diary entry> ![]() Since the first attempt to navigate the Delaware River system with rafts in 1746, lumbermen have continually attempted to improve the river's channel for rafting, clearing obstacles and opposing, often with violence, any new obstructions placed in the river. Besides bridge piers and dams, eel weirs and fish baskets, placed in the channel during periods of low water, were now hidden, unavoidable dangers that, if struck, could rip rafts apart. To assist the lumbermen, states that boarder the river enacted legislation and provided assistance for channel improvement to keep the river navigable. With narrow and shallow channels widened and deepened, boulders removed along with other improvements, raftsmen were now able to run the river with less water, utilizing smaller freshets throughout the season. These midseason runs, though, were not always successful.
During May of 1874, when the creeks' water level
had receded after the early spring's runoff, local lumbermen worked on the
channel at Westfield Flats, where the Beaverkill and Willowemoc creeks
join together, changing the course of the two streams at this junction to
allow easier passage of rafts. William Rose and Joel set out three days
after the recent freshet for Cooks Falls, easily passing the rearranged
channel at Westfield Flats. Water levels from a freshet rise and fall
quickly in these smaller streams and the colt ran into difficulty before
the Falls, either by lack of water or too swift a current, stranding the
colt which was left behind along the river's bank, waiting until the next
freshet to resume its trip. - fred
Thursday, June 12, 1874 "Abe and I went on the hill and peeled bark and cut fallow and cleaned barn floor. Commenced to rain and we came home, ate dinner and I set out some cabbage plants and made a fly rod for JDWM Decker. Broke it and commenced another. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball For everything there is a season, and for bark-peelers, the time to partake in that particular occupation begins the middle of May and lasts until the beginning of August. As the spring's warmth begins to awaken the hemlock from its wintry slumber, moisture is drawn up into the tree, its sticky sap becoming a natural lubircant under the outer bark layer. Peelers would girdle the tree through the bark at four foot intervals, fell the tree and slit the bark for removal. In cold weather the bark would adhere to the log, but at this time of year, the bark would "slip" off easily. It was then dried and stacked, similar to cordwood, waiting to be hauled to the tannery. - fred
I always wondered if the JDWM initials were for real. I am going to
have to trust Joel from 1874 to now believe those initials are correct.
Ruth Cherecwich
Friday, June 12, 1874 "Rainy. "Carried Decker's rod up to him. Mother went to Julia's yesterday, I started for Neversink. Went to depot by Jack Sherwood's, Jack paid me 70c and two cigars for copying mortgage. Gave George Sturdevant copy of road survey. Took mail train to Parksville, arrived all OK. Walked to Neversink, arrived about 5 p.m., found folks all well. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball Joel finished making a fly-rod for "Alphabet" Decker and delivered it
to him on his way to Purvis, all in preparation for the fishing trip the men
are planning to the waters along the Neversink River. |
Saturday, June 13, 1874 "At Asa Hodge's, Neversink. Irwin and I went down to the creek and waited for John Decker and Bony Gillett. They came and we went up to the great bend and commenced fishing. Roasted fish and ate dinner, had a jolly time. Irwin and I caught 57 trout and one I caught weighed a pound. "Cool day. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball The depletion of fish in the local rivers and ponds was becoming a
concern to local residents and ardent sportsmen alike and attempts were made
to replenish the stock. Sand Pond lies in the then virgin forests of the
upper Willowemoc valley. The pond and surrounding tract of land was
purchased in 1868 by James Spencer Van Cleff, and with the construction of a
lodge overlooking the pond, the site became known as the first of the many
fishing clubs that were to be formed along the shores of the area's streams
and lakes [see Ed Van Putt's "The Beaverkill"]. Being an oasis for brook
trout, club members improved the condition of the pond by clearing the
spawning stream and raising the pond's water level. In the spring of 1874,
the club stocked its waters with 20,000 young trout. |
Sunday, June 14, 1874 "More pleasant weather. "Irwin went to J Knight's and got his wagon and we started for Rockland about two o'clock. Arrived at Morsston about three. "I called at Capt. D's. Irwin came to W. Davis's, had a pleasant visit at D.'s with L." Joel Kimball On the way home from Neversink, Joel and his cousin stopped at Old
Morsston and visited the Albert and Henry Davis families. The Davis family
came to the area from Ulster County a little before 1820, before Morsston
was Morsston. One family historian cites that the father, Jacobus, was
engaged in the tanning industry and upon his move to this area, he became
involved with the William Bradley tannery at Parksville. Fred, thank you so much for the
Davis info you posted at the end of Joel Kimball's June diary entries. |
Monday, June 15, 1874 "Home in the morning. I hoed in the garden and Abe harrowed buckwheat ground and I sowed New Silver Kuell buckwheat, some corn and potatoes, Made a fence around the cow yard. "Weather quite pleasant. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball ... The Youngsville businessmen released two hundred fully-grown bass
into the waters of Sand Pond [Shandelee], some weighing as much as two
pounds, utilizing Darling and his excursion boat to ferry the fish out onto
the lake for release. The businessmen then mandated that no fishing would be
allowed on the lake for the next three years, allowing the bass to reproduce
into a sizable population, and to assure that this restriction would be
enforced, Darling was picked to be the protectorate. This arrangement worked
well for the businessmen, Darling and the fish, for Darling not only rid the
lake of poachers, but became quite attached to his new watery neighbors, and
they with him, following him around whenever Darling was on the lake or its
shores. Darling trained the bass to come to his whistle and fed them from
out of his hand. So attached was he that he was able to recognize each and
every fish in the pond, and called then by name. The fish thrived under his
care and grew to enormous size.... fred |
Tuesday, June 16, 1874 "Abe and I went on the hill and cut toggle timber until noon, peeled one hemlock tree. Abe went away after noon. I took steers on the hill and drew toggle timber out of the fallow. Commenced to rain about five o'clock. "Abe Mosier due. "For order from J Decker, 2.50 for seed at J Decker 1.25 for cash .25 ____ 4.00 "Abe, one half day." Joel Kimball They were living with their widowed mother, Catherine Decker, when the
brothers, Mathew and John, left their Brown Settlement farm to enlist with
the newly organized Sullivan Regiment on August 16th, 1862. John W Decker
joined Company H of the 143rd New York Infantry, serving with the unit
throughout the war until the rigors of campaigning eventually disabled him
from active duty. He was discharged from the 143rd in February of 1865, when
instead of coming home, he enlisted into the Veteran Reserve Corps. |
Wednesday, June 17, 1874 "Squally day. Geo. Sprague and I worked at fence part of the day between showers. I made two whip lashes. Abe came back in the afternoon. "Pretty wet weather. "Purvis, Sullivan County, New York. "Joel Kimball" .... The three year restriction prohibiting fishing on Sand Pond
[Shandelee] was soon up and the Youngsville businessmen were to be the first
to cast out into the lake to see the results of their restocking the pond.
It was a sad day for Darling, who had grown quite fond of his scaly pets. As
the men loaded their gear into the excursion boat, Darling warned them that
they should be careful, being that all of the pond's underwater residents
had never seen the sight of another person except for himself and he wasn't
sure on how they would react to strangers. The men took little heed in the
warnings, laughing as if it were just another one of Darling's tales, as
they launched the excursion boat, heading out into the deepest part of the
lake. |
Thursday, June 18, 1874
"I went down to Westfield Flats to the grist-mill, saw Uncle Theron Appley
and Aunt Louise Ann at Cochran's store. Started for home about half past
four, Uncle Theron came home with me.
"Abe helped Geo. Sprague fix line fence.
"I got a side of leather of Utter & Co., 8.40.
"Abe, one day.
"One meal at Green's."
Joel Kimball
"Utter & Co." refers to the tannery erected by Joseph "Diamond Jo"
Reynolds [see May 8th]. The business was commenced in 1849, the original
building being about fifty feet square and standing thirty-eight feet
high, three and a half stories, which included lofts used for drying
hides. With the large addition built in 1853, the tannery building more
than doubled its size. Situated along the banks of the Beaverkill, at the
center of Westfield Flats, the site also included a flouring mill, twenty
feet distant from the tannery. A mill pond was located behind the mill
which both businesses utilized for power. In front of the tannery's yard
hung a bell, which was rung each morning to announce the start of another
work-day and call the employees into work. - fred
Friday, June 19, 1874 "Uncle Theron and I went on the hill. I showed him over the place and trimmed some toggle timber. Abe drew it out with the steers, came home at noon and I went to the depot to find butter tub. Abe went fishing. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball ..... Throughout the area, from Westfield Flats to Purvis, from
Youngsville to Thumansville, most everybody was familiar with Johnny Darling
of Shandelee and looked forward to hear about his latest adventure when he
came to visit, and though they didn't believe much of what they heard, they
certainly enjoyed the hearing of the tale he told. Now everyone knew that
Sand Pond [Shandelee] had been restocked with bass by the Youngsville
businessmen, and that Johnny was in charge of keeping poachers off the lake,
but the episode, as told by Darling at gatherings, seemed a bit far-fetched.
"Well," said Johnny, "I've been straight and true when telling of the goings
on in my neighborhood but I had a suspicion that you'd think I may be doing
a bit of exaggerating. If you don't believe what you hear, would you believe
what you see?" And with that, Darling pulled out of his pocket snippets from
local newspapers, articles from the Local Record, Liberty Register and
Republican Watchman, all seemingly verifying much of Johnny's story. Come to
think of it, maybe that also explains why Johnny's son, Theodore, became
partners with Meyer's firm and took over the market wagon that ran from
Youngsville and Newburgh. - fred |
Saturday, June 20, 1874 "We went on the hill and finished starting timber before noon. After noon peeled bark near boiling place, peeled six trees. "Called at post office and got paper. "Called at Thomas Collins and asked him to plough my corn by Thursday. "Abe went fishing for eels. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball Tom Collins was the neighbor to the Kimball's, a veteran whose acts of
bravery during the recent War of the Rebellion were honored by a grateful
nation. His early military record, though, would prove not to be quite so
heroic. |
Sunday, June 21, 1874 "Weather cool and pleasant. "Rode to Westfield with John D W M Decker, came back about noon, found Julia and Dave here. Went to Morsston." Joel Kimball Joel rode to Westfield Flats with Alphabet Decker, the postmaster at
Purvis Post Office. Meanwhile, the community of Westfield Flats was now in
the midst of a political brouhaha over its own postmaster and its post
office. With the railroad depot being located near Cochran's mill and
tannery, a mile from Westfield Flats, someone thought that the post office
should be moved from the latter, to be closer to the depot. That someone was
Doc Wheeler. |
Monday, June 22, 1874 "Thomas Collins came over and ploughed my corn before noon. After noon Abe and I went on the hill and sorted bark out of the fallow and burned some brush in evening. "W.H. French called and I made out papers for his appointment as constable. "Went to depot and got new butter tub and tea. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball According to the Rockland's "Statement of Town Accounts" records for
1874, only two individuals designated as constables made claims to the town
for payment, John Wilson and Will French. Since neither one was on the
ballot for the position during the previous general election [see February
27th & 28th], it appears there was a vacancy which was about to be filled
with the appointment of French. Criminal activity during the years leading
up to 1874 was usually limited to prowling dogs raiding on herds of sheep,
but now, with the string of incendiary and unresolved fires and the
introduction of unsavory characters traveling into the community on the
railroad, the town's constable force was soon to be increase from two to
three. French's appointment either represented this increase or filled a
vacancy caused by a resignation. - fred |
Tuesday, June 23, 1874
"Hoed corn until noon and then went on the hill and drew bark out of
fallow and burned some brush in evening. Called at post office and
received Weekly.
"Abe, one day."
Joel Kimball
Harper's Weekly also brought the advent of political cartoons, notably
those of Thomas Nast, considered by some to be the father of political
cartoons. A single engraving of his would tell a story, often about greed
or corruption amongst local and national political and business leaders,
that would resonate throughout the nation. Fresh from the campaign to rid
New York City of Tammany Hall's Boss Tweed's Ring, many of Nast's
pictorial comments were now aimed at the growing national temperance
movement, which were included in the recent edition of the Weekly. - fred
Wednesday, June 24, 1874 "Finished hoeing corn and buried burned brush on the hill in the afternoon. Weather quite warm. "Abe, one day." Joel Kimball Dr. Leroy Wheeler was not a novice in the art of politics, for just
like Burr Wilson, the postmaster of Westfield Flat who had just recently
served as supervisor for the Town of Rockland, the sixty-four-year-old
doctor also held that position thirty years before. Soon after the burning
of the court house and county clerk building at Monticello in January of
1844, county elections created a new makeup of the Board of Supervisors, the
county's governing body, which included the thirty-eight-year-old doctor
from Rockland. A political squabble ensued over over the location of the
county seat, some on the board in favor of moving it from Monticello. All
sections within the county, from Barryville to Liberty, were hopefully
considered as being new sites, including the sarcastic proposal from the
local newspaper, the Monticello Watchman, that the backwoods crossroads of
Brown Settlement, situated on the fringes of settlement in the Town of
Rockland, be considered. This newspaper held political influence with some
of the board's members and after serious consideration and political
wrangling over proposed sites at Liberty and Bethel, the final decision was
to rebuild the county's buildings again at Monticello. |
Thursday, June 25, 1874 "Worked until noon on the hill burning brush and got out one stick of square lumber. Dave Munson called about noon and I went to depot with him, Abe went after shoes. "L Smith fell off load of hay and wagon ran over him near Geo. Sprague's. "I went to Flats and practiced with the band." Joel Kimball "Louis Smith fell from and was run over by a wagon loaded with hay
near the Livingston place, this town, on the 27th. His life is despaired
of." |
Friday, June 26, 1874 "Worked on the hill burning brush until noon, after noon went up to barn and ground axe and scythe. Rained all afternoon. Came home and set out some rutabaga plants." Joel Kimball The area known as Shandelee was first settled in earnest in 1860 when
families from Thumansville [a tannery town today known as Callicoon Center],
of German ancestry, began homesteading around the Shandelee Lake section.
These families such as Wichtendahl, later Americanized into Whitendale, Ruh,
Fries, Ros and Weyrauch cleared the land around the lake, the beginnings of
their small farms. Often, early settlers would build crude, drafty domiciles
made of full logs until better accommodations could be erected, but this was
not so with these industrious families; Philip Weyrauch built a small
saw-mill on the outlet of the lake. To assure the lake's water level would
be high enough to flow into the outlet and provide a steady stream of water
to power the mill, Weyrauch received permission from the other families to
allow him to raise the level of the lake eighteen inches, when needed, and
erected a dam across the head of the creek that drained the lake for that
purpose. The mill provided the lumber that allowed these early settlers to
build more comfortable dwellings, consisting of sawn planks and beams that
were made into frame houses. |
Saturday, June 27, 1874 "Went on the hill and peeled bark until noon. "Came home and Abe went away and I went up to depot, rode down to Decker's with Johnny Collins. did not get any mail except papers. "Abe, one half day." Joel Kimball This is the second time in the past two months that one of Joel's
employees has quit, this time just as the harvest season was about to begin.
Perhaps Abram Mosier felt he wasn't being paid enough; perhaps the young lad
was homesick; perhaps he wasn't enthused with the work; perhaps he just
wanted to go fishing; or perhaps he was shaken up by witnessing Thursday's
accident. |
Sunday, June 28, 1874 "Done chores and went down to Uncle Hiram Hodge's, saw Ida Borden near Mrs. Campbell's. Called at Geo. Crippen's, saw Chet Cochran at Hiram's. On way home called at Horton's, saw J and E. "Waited for gravel train. As it did not come, went for wintergreens. Rode from Buck Eddy with Erastus Sprague." Joel Kimball Business has picked up on the Midland Railroad, with more freight and
passengers now beginning to be handled and with the train schedule becoming
more reliable. Still, the surest mode of transportation for local travelers
was to hitch a ride upon the more numerous passages of the work train.
Throughout the spring, the gravel train, with a workforce of fifty men,
worked on the tracks between Parksville and East Branch and now have the
tracks in good condition. Rumbling back and forth along the line from the
depot to the work site, hitch-hikers would scramble onto the cars as the
gravel train passed by. - fred |
Monday, June 29, 1874 "Worked on the hill burning brush all day. In evening went to depot with some berries for mother, sold to Purdy, received 1.25. Quite late when I came back, did not milk. "Dreadful HOT." Joel Kimball Today was the hottest day recorded for the month of June in New York
City; only problem is that weather records were not yet being recorded.
Still, nobody was able to remember within the past fifty years such heat so
early in the summer season as the thermometer soared to 102 degrees in the
shade. Various community correspondents with the local newspapers also noted
the "dreadful" heat; at the Port Jervis area, the mercury was noted as being
over 100 degrees in the shade. - fred |
Tuesday, June 30, 1874 "Burned brush and logged some and partly made a boat to go fishing. Pretty warm. Went after mail, received papers from Harpers' and Weekly. Received 56c of Asa Hodge in full of all credit to date." Joel Kimball At the handsome Monticello home of the Honorable Stoddard Hammond, patriarch of the locally well-known family involved in the tanning industry with plants at DeBruce and Claryville and a highly respected resident of that village, was held the celebration for the wedding of his daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, to Henry Addison Harlow. The previously married forty-three-year-old Harlow was the minister serving the Presbyterian Church at that community, beginning his duties for this congregation the previous year when he arrived with his family from Orange County. Tragically, his wife of sixteen years, Rebecca, died within five months of their arrival, in April of 1873, leaving him with the responsiblity of raising their four children. - fred |