Joel Kimball Diary - August 1874

Saturday, August 1, 1874
"Mowed grass until noon and commenced to rain. Arthur and I got quite wet.
Did not work in the afternoon.
"Went to post office, came home and done chores and went to M's, D's.
Received of R Dougherty, $6.50.
"Commenced to make eel spear at blacksmith shop.
"Riley, one-half day
"Arthur, one-half day
"Paid Arthur Dodge $1.50."
Joel Kimball
Long after the irons rails have been pulled up and the Midland railroad's
bed demolished, piece by piece, year after year, by the machineries of
progress, the benefits gained by the line's existence, from an historical
perspective, are as important now as they were when the trains chugged their
way over the rails. With the final completion of the the line in 1873, the
commercial value of the railroad was measured with the amount of freight
hauled or the number of passengers carried over its route. The added benefit
of bringing reliable and timely mail service into these isolated rural
communities can be still felt today as area newspapers from this era filled
their pages with reports from local community correspondents, their articles
now able to ride the rails to meet the paper's publishing deadlines. The
reports submitted by these correspondents were filled with newsworthy and
trivial items alike, often laced with prejudicial opinions. Read singularly,
these columns are just a list of unrelated news items; read over a period of
time, they become a story of that community.
William Cairn's farm was located along the Beaverkill River, just over the
Sullivan-Delaware county line, above Westfield Flats. Writing under the nom
de plum of "Rusticus", he was perhaps the earliest correspondent serving the
northern Sullivan County section when he began sending reports early in 1874
to the Middletown Mercury, Hancock Herald and Port Jervis Evening Gazette,
all larger towns located along the Midland's route. The painting of a
chicken coop or placement of a pig sty were as important to him as were the
latest political coup or fellow correspondent's style, all items being of
interest to his loyal readers, both then and now. - Fred
Sunday. August 2, 1874
"At home, stayed there until after noon then went to Purvis to church.
Called at Cyrus Mott's. Weather windy and showers."
Joel Kimball
The church at Purvis stands atop the knoll overlooking the valley of
the Little Beaverkill, the valley's fertile fields planted in hay and
grain belonging to the old Livingston farm. The building, erected in 1857,
is sturdily built, the framework consisting of post and beam construction,
which along with the bracing incorporated into the frame, allows for the
large congregational room inside. Aside from some of the beams being made
from hardwood, hemlock lumber, cut from the local mills, was used for the
remaining framework, siding, flooring and shingles. Four columns adorn the
the front entrance into the edifice, which along with other exterior
details, gives the building a colonial style in appearance. Inside the
sanctuary, a balcony is positioned behind the pulpit, the interior
plastered, papered and calcimined.

There are three other Methodist congregations within the Town of Rockland,
the largest at Westfield Flats, which has over fifty members. Though the
Morsston congregation is growing due to the numerous revival meetings
being held that are continuously adding to its numbers, the church shares
services with the other three locations, one minister serving all three
congregations. Today, the service at the Morsston church is conducted by
the Reverend Francis William Andrews. The forty-five-year-old Andrews has
served numerous church congregations throughout the county and beyond,
most recently serving at Downsville in Delaware County, until being
appointed as the circuit rider for the Rockland district in April of 1871.
- Fred
Monday, August 3, 1874
"Worked in hayfield all day, drew three loads. Good hay day.
"Arthur, one day
"Riley, one day"
Joel Kimball
After a winter of strife amongst its employees, followed by a spring of
problems in maintaining its roadbed and tracks, the economic condition of
the Midland railroad was beginning to show improvement during this first
full summer of the line's full-service operation. The increased volume in
freight and passengers hauled up and down the line has eased some of the
railroad's financial burdens, being better able to compensate its workers.
This week, employees of the railroad company received payment for the month
of May. - Fred
Tuesday, August 4, 1874
"Weather still good, drawing four loads and finished clover corner.
"Arthur, one day
"Riley, one day"
Joel Kimball
"O. O. Horton is putting up a barn near his hotel"
August 4th, 1874
Evening Gazatte
When the Midland railroad line was built down the valleys of the lower
Willowemoc and its tributary, the Little Beaverkill, its route followed the
path of least resistance. For the community of Parksville, this path passed
adjacent to the center of the hamlet, but further below, the line passed a
considerable distance away for the settlements of Purvis and Westfield
Flats. Depots were erected by the railroad to serve these distant
communities but it was only a matter of time before business enterprises
began to locate nearer the railroad and those landowners on whose property
the railroad passed over, benefited greatly.
Horace Utter, the Westfield Flats tanner, owned the riverside property below
the Cochran & Appley mills when the dream of a railroad passing through the
area became a reality, and to his luck, it was to pass over his land. In
January of 1871, Utter sold a strip of land, one hundred and ten feet wide,
to the railroad company, and then divided his remaining property into
building lots. William Keener and Orin Horton each bought lots along the
bounds of the railroad early in 1874, the lots being directly across the
railroad tracks from each other, and both immediately began erecting hotels
on their premises. - Fred
Wednesday, August 5, 1874
"Commenced cutting across the road, cut quite a piece and drew in two loads.
Weather very fine.
"Arthur, one day
"Riley, one day"
Joel Kimball
Orin O. Horton is from the Town of Colchester family that resided in the
hamlet along the Beaverkill that still bears their name. The ancestral
Hortons, the family of Orin's great-grandfather William, came to the valley
of the Beaverkill in 1784. Being a tanner and currier, William is credited
to have tanned the first hide of leather tanned in that Delaware County
The Horton family was well-known up and down the Beaverkill as lumbermen,
with Orin's father, David, being one of the pioneering raftsmen from this
section. Orin and his brothers continued the family business of dealing in
lumber and rafting the Delaware, some of their river adventures being the
source of numerous, and often humorous, tales told up and down the valley.
The boy's rafting days were interrupted by the call to serve in the War of
the Rebellion, Orin traveling over the hill to the recruiting office of the
56th New York Regiment at Callicoon Depot in the fall of 1861. His service
was cut short when after the regiment's action with the Union Army during
General McClellen's failed Peninsula Campaign the following spring, he was
discharged with a depilating disease, an affliction that would haunt him
throughout his remaining years.
Orin's venture into the hotel business began in early 1874 with the erection
of the Horton House, situated next to the depot at Westfield Flats. To
accommodate the new wave of the fishing public, the new barn was to serve
the guests of the hotel, housing the means of transportation used to carry
these anglers to their favorite fishing holes. - Fred
Thursday, August 6, 1874
"Frank Beach commenced to work for me today. We finished mowing old meadow
and drew in three loads and put up 27 cocks.
"Frank, one day
Arthur, one day
Riley, one day"
Joel Kimball
The attempt to replace the postmaster from the Westfield Flats post
office was finally successful, according to news reported in today's
newspapers, as Burr Wilson, the popular merchant at Westfield Flats and
current postmaster, lost this politically influenced position. Though a
member of the political party in power, Wilson angered local party leaders
when he did not endorse the party's candidate for the position of town
supervisor in last March's general election. Consequently, McKendry Dodge,
the Republican candidate, was defeated by John Davidson. To add salt to
Wilson's political wound, the new postmaster appointed for the Westfield
Flats post office was McKendry Dodge; who by the way, was also Wilson's
brother-in-law." - Fred
Friday, August 7, 1874
"Commenced new meadow, Robert Schriber helping me. Mowed until eleven
o'clock and drew in two loads. Weather bad, did not work in the afternoon.
Discharged Riley Brown.
"Riley Brown due for work, $14.50
Due for cash, $5.00
Balance due, $9.50
"Frank, one half day
Rob, one half day
Arthur, one half day
"Went up to depot."
Joel Kimball
During the summer, physicians from Sullivan County held meetings throughout
the county in preparation for organizing the Eclectic Medical Society of
Sullivan County, an auxiliary offshoot of the New York State parent
organization, its stated purpose being to promote safe practices within the
field of medicine. Holding its recent meeting at the Midland Hotel in
Liberty, these area doctors adopted their chapter's constitution and elected
officers, which included Asa Bennett, from the Town of Rockland, as the
Society's first elected president.
The thirty-nine-year-old Dr. Bennett came from the large family of Samuel
and Hannah Appley Bennett, who operated the farm and lumber-mill located
along the Willowemoc near Buck Eddy, the family moving onto the farm from
the Hancock area in 1845. The summer of 1874 was also noteworthy for the
good doctor, for he commenced the building of his new residence and office
along the road to Westfield Flats, between Cochran's mill and old Doc
Wheeler's farm. - fred
Saturday, August 8, 1874
"Cloudy day, some rain, did not work in the hayfield. Commenced to braid
set line at John Decker's. Received mail, one letter from Newel."
Joel Kimball
A.S. Rockwell, the Westfield Flats merchant and lumber dealer, returned
from his journey to Philadelphia, where he went to negotiate prices on
lumber that he had earlier sent down the river to market. He was not as
successful as he had hoped for, a sign of the current hard economic times.
an economic expansion immediately after the Civil War, brought on by the
war-fueled industrial revolution and an overextending railroad industry,
the nation's economy received a severe jolt in the fall of 1873 when,
after a series of economic setbacks during the previous couple of years.
institutions within the banking industry, heavily invested into the
railroad industry with risky outstanding loans, were forced into
bankruptcy, causing the Panic of 1873. The ensuing run on on these
financial institutions closed many investment firms, the effects of which
rippled throughout all segments of the nation's economy, causing a deep
and long recession.
New construction at Philadelphia came to a relative standstill, the
sudden flood of the year's rafted lumber now piled high on the city's
wharfs. This overabundance of lumber caused the price of lumber to become
depressed, sending local dealers such as Rockwell back home with less than
they bargained for. Fred
Sunday, August 9, 1874
"Stayed at home. Dave and Julia came over.
"Mother and Adele went to Purvis Church to quarterly meeting.
"Called At Col. Moore's with Dave in the afternoon."
Joel Kimball
There was not a preacher better known amongst parishioners of Sullivan
County than the Rev. Francis Andrews. His Sunday sermons were of such power
that his message persuaded many wayward folks to join the growing flock of
the congregations, no matter what church he was assigned to. Before joining
the ministry, the forty-five-year-old Andrews taught school at Thompsonville
and Phillipsport for five years, until, in 1855, he joined the Methodist
Council of New York. He afterwards served congregations at Grahamsville,
Fallsburgh, Sandburgh, Pike Pond, Mongaup Valley and Colchester before being
appointed to the Rockland circuit in 1871. fred
Monday, August 10, 1874
"Robert Schriver and Frank Beach came and helped me and we worked all day in
the hay field. Very good day. Drew in five loads of hay.
"Robert Schriver, one day
Frank Beach, one day"
Joel Kimball
The boys who have gone to work for Joel during the past year haven't
lasted long under his employment, for whatever the reasons. The latest,
young Riley Brown, who negotiated the salary with his employer to be a
dollar a day "if he could earn it", apparently wasn't able to fulfill this
obligation and was discharged on Friday, Joel paying him the agreed upon
wage, for fourteen and one half days' work.
To help him finish-up the year's hay-cutting season, Joel went to his
neighbors for assistance. Across the valley from the Kimball place were the
Beach and Scriber farms, the boys from these families being quite familiar
with farm work. Frank Beach, the twenty-three-year-old son of Gabriel and
Nancy Steel Beach, assisted his parents on their farm and had apparently
been caught up with the Beach farm chores and had time to help Joel. Robert
Scriber, though still a teenager at seventeen years of age, also apparently
was used to the hard work. The results of hiring these hard-working boys was
apparent, cutting and hauling in five loads of hay, over twice as much as
was gathered at any time with the lads previously employed by Kimball. -
Tuesday, August 11, 1874
"Worked all day in the hayfield, mowed in the orchard, drew in three loads.
Very good day.
"F Beach, one day
Robert Schriver, one day"
Joel Kimball
For the folks up and down the Midland railroad's line, there was both good
news and bad news being circulated. First the good news; it was reported in
the local newspapers that the company's paymaster was expected to settle
back wages due its employees, beginning on the fifteenth of this month. For
those workers who have been without pay for over the past two months, this
rumor was certainly encouraging.
At the same time, though, it was also reported that the Receiver for the
bankrupt railroad company informed the local assessors along the line that
the company would not be able to pay its assessed taxes due the State.
Officials for the company threatened to abandon the railroad if were
compelled to comply with the State. For those workers who have been without
pay for over two months, this rumor was certainly discouraging. - fred
Wednesday, August 12, 1874
"Still at work in hayfield. Weather good.
"F Beach, one day
R Schriver, one day"
Joel Kimball
family farms of Frank Beach and Robert Schriber were directly across the
Willowemoc River from the Kimball place. Included is an early survey map
of the area, the title and source of which is unknown, showing ownership
of the parcels that were divided from the part of the original holdings of
the Livingston family. The exact date of this map is also unknown but it
appears to have been drafted, judging by the names of the landowners,
during the mid-eighteen-sixties. The Beach and Schriber places are
highlighted in green while the Kimball property in noted in blue.
Both Martin Schriber and Gabriel Beach purchased
these lots from Samuel and Satilla Purvis, the Schriber lot in September
of 1860 and Beach in January of 1864, but both these and neighboring deeds
suggest that both families had been occupying these parcels before
ownership, probably renting from the original landowner, Robert
Livingston. The Purvis family had a long and close association with the
Livingston family, especially since 1824 with the arrival of Robert's son,
Edward, to the wilds of Rockland and who cared for the gentleman and his
wilderness estate. With the Purvis name on these deeds, it suggest that
Sam Purvis may have acted as land agent for the Livingstons at this time.
Thursday, August 13, 1874
"Weather not so good, tried to cut all the hay, could not quite do it.
Drew in two loads and put up 36 cocks.
"Frank Beach, one day
R Schriver, one day
Five year old cow"
Joel Kimball
railroad depot at Morsston was now becoming a busy place. During the first
week of August, it was estimated that 170,000 pounds of freight was
shipped over the railroad. The general store next door to the depot, a
branch of the John H. Divine & Company of Ellenville, was also thriving
bringing more development to this vicinity. Throughout the spring and
summer, a new, handsome structure was being erected near the mercantile
business, and now, in August, with the plasterers finishing up their work,
the building would soon be ready for its occupant, Alvin Preston Dubois.
A. P. Dubois was one of the junior partners in the firm, coming from
Ellenville to this isolated, backwoods community in October of 1873, to
manage the company's new business concern. Previous to the move, in July
of that same year, he was married to Mary Eliza Hoar and soon the young
couple were about to move into their newly erected home. The couple only
intended to stay and manage the store as long as the local tanning
industry survived which, with the ever continuing depletion of tanbark,
they estimated to be ten years at the most. - fred
Friday, August 14, 1874
"Finished haying, drew in four loads. Weather some cloudy, called at
"F Beach, 3/4 day
Rob Schriver, 3/4 day
"Frank Beach due for 6 1/4 days work @ 1.75, 9.75
Robert Schriver due for 5 1/4 days work @ 1.75, 8.00"
Joel Kimball
Even with the large number of unemployed workers resulting from the current
recession, farmers still had difficulty finding help. As Joel found out
during this harvest season, many who were out of work were not cut out for,
nor particularly interested in farm labor, especially for meager pay.
Locally, wages for farm labor averaged between $1.50 to $2.00 per day, and
often included board. When Joel finally yielded to these prices, he found
two willing young men who helped finish the haying season on the Kimball
farm in rapid style. - fred
Saturday, August 15, 1874
"Went to Flats and up to Hiram Hodge's, called at Dr. Bennett's and Oliver
"Rode to Morsston Depot on mail train and came home.
"Riley Brown due for cash, 5.00
Arthur Dodge due for cash, 5.00"
Joel Kimball
Hopping the Midland mail train from Westfield Flats to Morsston, Joel
probably would have noticed the changes and supposed improvements made by
the railroad company within the past few weeks. At the Westfield Flat depot
he would have easily noticed the new station agent, Doc Wheeler's son,
Frank. He would have been hard to miss for Frank, though well educated, was
known for the attire he wore, often being shabbily dressed. As dirty as his
clothing may have been, it was more than equaled by his crude language, and
Frank delighted shocking the innocence of bystanders with his vulgar tongue.
Joel next would have noticed that the railroad company was sprucing things
up. The interior of the newly erected depot at the Flats received its first
coat of paint. As he rode over the route to Morsston, he would have seen
that the bridges over the Willowemoc either had already received, or were in
the process of being treated with a coat of whitewash, a concoction of lime
and chalk. This poor-man's paint covered the timbers with a thick scaly
crust, which railroad officials hoped would protect the wood from rot due
from exposure to the elements or, more importantly, from fire ignited from
hot embers blowing out the smokestacks of locomotives.
Arriving at Morsston, Joel would see that the railroad company increased the
size of their store-house, adding an extension of twenty-four feet, along
with the addition of a new store-house, fifty feet in length, for the
tanning concern of S. Hammond & Sons. To handle the increasing flow of
freight traffic at this depot, the company hired on an assistant for station
agent Hoyt. - fred
Sunday, August 16, 1874
"Went down to flats, called at Uncle Oliver's and at Joe Green's. Came home
in the evening.
"Saw Emma Bush at Dr T's.
"Very warm weather."
Joel Kimball
From the headwaters of the Beaverkill and Willowemoc rivers to the
confluence of their waters with the Delaware, one doctor served the
residents of the area's small communities and surrounding countryside until
1866. The profession of a country doctor was often an arduous endeavor,
having to travel rough backwoods roads in all sorts of weather, no matter
what time of day, including the darkness of night, to visit their patients.
Old Doc Wheeler was giving up his traveling practice and was now mainly
dispensing medical advice, tonics and remedies from his home at Westfield
Flats, when young Asa Bennett and Robert Tuttle began their practices in the
Town of Rockland.
The thirty-seven-year-old Tuttle was born near the Delaware County seat of
Delhi, later studying medicine at Albany Medical College. Upon graduation in
1862, while the nation was the midst of its civil war, Tuttle enlisted into
military service and served as Assistant Surgeon to the U.S. Navy. Upon his
discharge from service in 1866, he immediately located at Westfield Flats,
where he opened his medical practice, conducted a drug store and became the
local traveling country physician. - fred
Monday, August 17, 1874
"Commenced to cut my oats. Worked nearly all day. Peeled one hemlock tree.
Called at Decker's in the evening.
"Very warm day."
Joel Kimball
With passenger rail service now penetrating into the center of Sullivan
County, anglers wishing to cast their lines into the waters of the
Beaverkill and Willowemoc no longer needed to suffer through the arduous
stage route from the railroad depot at Callicoon Depot over the the rugged
turnpike to Westfield Flats. Now sportsmen, when departing the Midland's
train at the Westfield Flat depot, needed to walk but a few yards to find
accommodations at any of the three new hotels within sight of the depot, and
then, with only a trek of a few more yards, would themselves be along the
banks of these noted trout streams.
Robert Babcock, on a fishing excursion from Middletown, ventured further
beyond the larger streams, crossing the covered bridge at Cochran's mill and
up the valley where Stewart's brook meanders in and out of the numerous
beaver ponds. While fishing in this delightful brook, one of the landowners
came upon him and politely noted that since he was fishing on private
property that Babcock pay one dollar for the privilege. Babcock did not
object to this request, finding it quite reasonable as he was enjoying the
day and the good luck the stream offered, but found he did not have the
correct change on him, so he gave the landowner a two dollar bill, promising
to call at the house on his return to receive the proper credit. By day's
end, Babcock stopped at the farmhouse as promised, but was greeted at the
door by the landowner's wife who was the only one home at the time. When
informed of the exchange that he had with her husband, the wife replied that
since she had half interest in the property, she was entitled to the same
consideration as the deal made with her husband, and kept the remaining
portion of the money. - fred
Tuesday, August 18, 1874
"Met with assessors and made out jury list for Town of Rockland. Went to
depot in the afternoon and mailed list to county clerk. Came home in
evening, received NY Weekly.
"Weather dry and windy."
Joel Kimball
The upcoming term of the Sullivan County Court at Monticello was to begin
on September 14th. Those chosen from Joel's Town of Rockland list to serve
as jurors during this session were Ernest Davis, John G Rose, Charles
Terwilliger, Hiram Johnson and Peter Aikens. - fred
Wednesday, August 19, 1874
"Went on the hill and cut some oats. Went to Col. Moore's, got yearlings.
"After noon broke finger out of grain cradle, got sticks of H Rose, made a
new one."
Joel Kimball
Harvesting the field of oats, Joel utilized a cradle, a long handled
scythe used to cut the grain, in which a rake-like device, made up of three
to five long wooden "fingers", is attached just above the scythe's blade.
With the swing of the scythe during the cutting stroke, the cut-off stalks
would fall into this attachment, or cradle. The cradle is then tilted to
drop the stalkes into a pile, for future handling. - fred
Thursday, August 20, 1874
"Cradled oats before noon, after noon Uncle Billings helped me and we raked
and bound 195 and drew in 150. weather very warm and dry.
"B G Hodge due for 1/2 day's work"
Joel Kimball
Cutting with a cradle was only the first step in harvesting the field of
oats. With the cut stalks cradled into piles, a wooden hand rake was used to
gather the piles together where they were bundled and tied into sheaves,
which in turn were further bundled together to form shocks. The shocks would
be left standing in the field to dry. - fred
Friday, August 21, 1874
"Worked at cutting oats. Too hot to work much, did not rake any.
"Went to depot to meet mother, received and returns of tub of butter from
Fleming, Adams & Howe, $3.04.
"Got wet coming home, saw L.
"Mother came with fine lot of whortle berries.
"Received register for school."
Joel Kimball
Joel received payment from the New York City grocers for the tub of
butter he sent out over the Midland express freight back on July 27th. The
fifty-five pound tub of butter garnered a payment of over three dollars. The
express freight opened other markets to area farmers. Livestock dealers from
New York markets canvassed the area during August buying cattle and sheep,
the sheep going for $4.50 per head. Beekeepers shipped their honey over the
Midland freight, receiving twenty-eight cents per pound.
With blueberry bushes loaded with berries this summer, berry pickers
returned from huckleberry parties with overflowing pails of fruit. The
overabundance of berries flooded the market, resulting in lower prices
received for the picker's efforts, down from as much as twenty-five cents a
quart found in some quarters, to eight cents, and in some cases only five
cents a quart. By September, the price went as low as three cents a quart. -
Saturday, August 22, 1874
"Took tub of butter to depot and sent to F A & Howe,
115 Warren Street, New York.
"Due Divine, Dubopis & Co., $5.00
"Due Arthur Dodge, $2.00
"Due L N Hoyt, eel rack, $3,50
"T L Seeley called and made out papers for L B
Hotchkins to open road for A E Davis.
"Finished cutting oats."
Joel Kimball
building being erected by the firm of Divine, Dubois & Co., was now
nearing completion. Though it is to be used as a residence for Alvin
Dubois and his wife, the young partner in the firm and who has charge of
the company's general merchandise store next door, a portion of the bottom
floor is to become a mercantile business, to be occupied as a tin shop and
stove store. A young member of the firm's Ellenville branch, a
twenty-two-year-old tinsmith named James Stevens, has recently moved from
his home in Napanoch and will become the manager of this hardware store,
and take up residence in the apartment overhead of the shop. - fred
Sunday, August 23, 1874
"Stayed at home all day. Cyrus Mott and wife called
and stayed nearly all day. Cy and I went on the hill, mother went over to
Dave Munson's.
"Caught a skunk under the barn, killed it. Smell -
very strong."
Joel Kimball
The waters of Sand Pond, and its bounty under its
surface, were a popular a destination for anglers as any other body of
water in this newly accessible sportsmen paradise of northern Sullivan
County. One excursion, consisting of thirty anglers from New York, arrived
by train last week and were outfitted for the difficult journey up to the
pond at Shandelee. Their armada of boats covered all sections of the lake,
and their angling success proved bountiful as large numbers of fish were
caught, which, according to these sportsmen, were all sent back into their
watery habitat again.
Their stay on Shandelee during this excursion was
with the Wichtendahl family, German immigrants whose log cabin was
situated on the highest point of Shandelee. When arriving into the port of
New York, immigrants were met on the docks as they departed the ship by
agents for owners of large tracts of land. Solomon Royce was one such
landowner, whose land holdings encompassed much of the Town of Callicoon.
Considering German immigrants to be both hardworking and industrious, and
more likely to payoff their debt, Royce enlisted agents who were
themselves originally from Germany. Familiar with the home language, these
agents handed out flyers, printed in German, promoting the area, and were
highly successful in enticing this wave of newly arrived families to
settle in the valleys and hills of northern Sullivan County. Frederick
Wichtendahl moved up to Shandelee in 1860, erecting his cabin on the
one-hundred acre lot he would later purchase in 1864. - fred
Monday, August 24, 1874
at cutting oats until noon. After noon raked up and drew in 131 sheaves.
Went to Flats in evening and stayed all night at Green's."
Joel Kimball
"Sullivan County is to have a new map. The map man commenced dunning for
subscribers in this town the other day. The price is $12. The map is to be
in book form."
August 25, 1874
Evening Gazette
Tuesday, August 25, 1874
"At Green's, had
two pictures taken by Miller the artist. I walked home and went on the
hill and worked at the oats."
Joel Kimball
Miller traveled to Westfield Flats with his wagon filled with photographic
equipment, setting up a temporary studio at Green's hotel to take portrait
photographs. This project would continue for the next couple of weeks,
beyond Westfield Flats, as he continued traveling up the road of the
Midland railroad, visiting the string of villages and taking portraits all
along the route.
The young photographer, only thirty-three years of
age, had moved from a farm in upstate Otsego County, to Liberty around
1872, where he established his studio in that village. His stay in
Sullivan County was not for long, though, for by 1879, he had opened a
studio with a partner at Walton, in Delaware County. - fred
Wednesday, August 26, 1874
"Peeled two oar sterns and raked oats. After noon Wm. P. Rose helped me and
we finished them and drew in two loads. Whole number oats. 660 sheaves,
upset twice and did not get home until after dark.
"Wm. P. Rose due for one half day's work."
Joel Kimball
Joel has finally finished harvesting his oat crop. The three acres that were
planted in the spring with oats yielded, after the stalks were threshed,
forty bushels of grain. - fred
Thursday, August 27, 1874
"James Rose came up and helped me untied my oats. I went to Westfield Flats,
stopped at Uncle Oliver's and saw Bif and grandmother.
"Stopped at Joe Green's and cleaned my horn. Waited to have picture taken
with the band. Could not get them together and came home, went to J Decker's
and he was gone, then went to C Mott's and he was gone, W Davis, ditto.
Called at Capt D.'s and came home.
"Some displeased
Joel Kimball
For Joel, today was one of those days where nothing goes according to
plans. With Hiram Miller and his roving photographic studio still at Green's
hotel in Westfield Flats, Joel was highly anticipating the community band's
portrait. For the past year, the Westfield Brass Band had been in disarray,
but recently there had been much interest amongst the members and as well as
within the community to revitalize the musical group. Unfortunately, the
membership did not show up at the hotel for the photograph.
"Displeased" could also be said to be the case for some folks who have seen
their image for the first time in a photograph. Earlier, the local newspaper
correspondent from Wurtsboro sat down for a portrait with Miller during the
photographer's visit to that village. The scribe sat before Miller's camera
with his terrier by his side, but upon seeing the final likeness, concluded
that the pup was the best looking of the two. He journeyed up to Westfield
Flats, invited by the local correspondent "Rusticus", to have another
portrait taken by Miller, but this time without the dog to avoid the
comparison. - fred
Friday, August 28, 1874
"Went on the hill and salted yearlings and split some rails. Called at Col
Moore's in the afternoon and asked him for money, did not get any. Came home
and called at post office. Warren one day."
Joel Kimball
In another cost-saving venture, the management of the financially
troubled Midland railroad announced this week that the company was to
discharge the bridge watchmen along its line. As the steam locomotives
chugged its way over the wooden river crossings and trestles, live embers
from the engine's firebox blown out of the stack had the potential for
catching fire along the tracks, including the timbers on the bridges. Part
of the watchman's responsibility was to watch for any such problems after
the train passed through. But now, with the bridges having been coated with
whitewash this past summer [see August 15th], company officials, in their
effort to economize, felt there was no longer need to worry about the
fire-hazard at river crossings since the coated timbers on the bridges were
now considered fireproof. - fred
Saturday, August 29, 1874
"Went on the hill and commenced to work road fence between Geo W Sprague and
Wm P Rose. Made bareway and about one-half of the fence. After noon, went to
blacksmith shop and got steers shod."
Joel Kimball
The Midland's paymaster traveled up the railroad's line paying the company's
employees their overdue wages along the way; for the period during the first
two weeks of June. Leaving Westfield Flats, he continued on with his journey
of retribution, when at Fish's Eddy his car was rammed by the Walton gravel
train. Luckily, this minor accident resulted in little damage and without
injury, but the exact cause of the mishap was not divulged by the local
papers; perhaps retribution of a different sort. fred
Sunday, August 30, 1874
"Stayed home nearly all day, called at H E Rose's a short time. Saw train
pass going to camp meeting. Weather very warm and dry."
Joel Kimball
The lack of houses of worship or scarcity of ministers within these upstate
communities didn't deter rural folks from following their religious beliefs.
Large evangelical-like events were organized, held at convenient central
locations, attracting folks far and wide wishing to take temporary leave of
their tedious home-life for inspirational celebration. Lasting for days,
tents were pitched in fields at or near the site as the flock camped-out
throughout the duration of the event. The meetings consisted of almost
continuous services, preacher after preacher delivering long inspiring
sermons, or firebrands advocating popular causes of the day, such as
temperance or women's suffrage.
The camp-meeting at Philipsport, a community near the Midland railroad's
line in the southern portion of Sullivan County, began on August 27th and
was to last for the next eight days. The railroad company ran a special
excursion train, one running in each direction to and from the site, on a
daily basis throughout the event, attracting not only the religiously
sincere, but also others who were attending out of mere curiosity. fred
Monday, August 31, 1874
"Worked on the hill. Drew rails out of the woods and made some fence,
finished fence on one side of the road."
Joel Kimball
The Black Hills expedition [see July 30th] returned yesterday back to Fort
Abraham Lincoln, in the northern plains of the Dakota Territory, after a two
month journey of gathering information concerning the value of the land
ceded as a reservation to the Sioux Indian nation. With rumors already
filtering back east of boundless riches to be had with only the sifting of a
pan in every brook and stream of the Black Hills, gold fever has again swept
over the country as the nation awaited the final report to be submitted by
the expedition's leader, George Armstrong Custer. Upon the return of the
Seventh Cavalry from this arduous trek, Custer, in his usual unabashed
swagger, boated that his command was still "in condition to take the field
tomorrow" if so needed. fred