January 5, 2005
I'm having a debate with my Sister on what houses were on the first part of the DeBruce Road.
Attached is a map with the houses I remember were there.
Starting from the corner on the right as I remember it:
1. Youngs - Dave and his father the preacher
2. Fredenburg - Dick & Shirley (How about it Shirley - new member)
3. Edwards - Danny (my sister thinks they lived across the road
4. Sherwood
5-7 ??
8. Madison - Gary
9. Dave Ward
Anyone have a picture of this section - Harold
1/6/2004 - Was just looking at your map of Rt. 17 and DeBruce Rd. I will have to agree with your sister, the Edwards' did live on the other side of the road further up from us. Kind of on the side bank but on the same side as Dave Ward's house. Dave Ward was called the Rag Man and when all us kids were small , we would take rags and paper to him and hope to get enough to go to the movie. It cost 20 cents then.
#5.. There was an old house down the bank in back of Sherwoods and I was born there on Sept 14, l941. My parents used to refer to it as so & so's house, but I can't remember what it was. I'll ask my brother Dick. My parents were playing cards that night with my Uncle Bob Fuller and his girlfriend Lola DeVoe. My Mom told them she was having pains, went in the bedroom, gave birth to me and one hour later was back playing cards. In the old days when women were made of stronger stuff.
#6..Shelly DuMond lived there with her mom , Marion, and her grandparents who's last name started with an O.
#7.. is where and elder lady named Mrs. Wood lived. If you asked Lester (Buddy) Young or his sister Clara, they would know about Mrs. Wood. I can remember seeing pictures of her with other church ladies and David Young's mother Mamie.
#8.. was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dolgas, grandparents of the Jimmy Dolgas and his brothers who lived up past Dora, Louise and Jeff Bailey who lived with their mother and Lamie Du Mond, up that little road to the left off DeBruce Road.
That's the way things stood when we moved into that house on DuBruce Road in l954, when I was in 6th grade. I don't even know if all those houses are still there. I hope that helps you some. The house I was born in has been gone for a long time. But I've been going thru some of my Parent's old pictures this week and I have a picture of them in from of that old house. - Shirley
1/8/2005 - My brother Dick called me this morning and told me the house I was born in was called the Rabinowitz House. He also said that after the Adam Young house on the corner across from Sherwoods, there was a small barn or garage and then a house where Anne and Frank Vredenburgh lived. This man and woman raised my grandfather Harry from an infant. He was not their child, but was given to them by a young German woman who's husband had left her right after Grandpa was born. Grandpa just assumed their name but was not legally adopted. Grandpa told us that Frank Vredenburgh and his brother (name unknown) had a disagreement with their brother and changed their name from Vredenburgh to Fredenburg. The other brother is the one who owned Vredenburgh's Soda Fountain and Candy Store between Hoos' Bakery and Carl Eugeni's Photo and Camera store. I do not remember Anne and Frank Fredenburg, but my brother remembers going to their house next to the Adam Young house and her giving him candy. So at one time there was a house between Young's and ours. (House #2) - Shirley
1/19/2005 - Here is a picture of the Rabinowitz House and my Mom. To the left of her , close to DeBruce road the is a small building (a sm barn or garage) that belonged to the house that sat across the street where Ann and Frank Fredenburg lived and raised my Grandfather Harry Fredenburg. Further left and on the corner was the Sherwood House. To the right of my Mother, on the same side of the street as the Rabinowitz house, was Oestrich's house. I was born in the house behind Mom - Shirley
1/4/2008 - Just a couple comments on the map of the Debruce
Road and what Shirley says about who lived where. In my recollections, the White
Roe Lake Road went in the same direction from old 17 parallel with DeBruce Rd
but just up the hill a bit... My parents once bought a house on WhiteRoeLake Rd
but lost it due to his job loss. (Bill DuMond in outdoor road construction.